Wednesday, January 16, 2008

+Schori to +Iker

January 9, 2008
The Rt. Rev Jack L. Iker, D.D.
The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
2900 Alameda
Fort Worth, TX 76108

Dear Jack,

Thank you for your letter. I believe you have misinterpreted my previous letter. I gave no "acknowledgement that dioceses can and do leave the Episcopal Church." On the contrary, I continue to aver that individuals may leave, but congregations and dioceses do not. I continue to urge you to withdraw from any encouragement of such a belief, or action toward departure, as i believe it to be a violation of the vows we have both repeatedly taken to "conform to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Episcopal Church."

I lament your belief that clergy and laity with your theological position are being systematically eliminated from positions of leadership and influence. If they are disappearing, it is by their own decision and at their own hands. I note how carefully the current and former Presidents of the House of Deputies have been to ensure broad representation in appointment to various church bodies, and know that my predecessors and I have also sought to include all theological positions in appointments within our purview.

You state your concern about those who would stand by their convictions being threatened with depositions and lawsuits. I would also note that depositions and lawsuits have no substance if there has been no violation. Fear of same is probably not rational if there is no basis for same.

I pray that your ministry may be one of abundance in the coming year, and I remain

Your servant in Christ,

Katharine Jefferts Schori


I would say that this is disappointed, but I am not really quite that surprised. I actually rather expected it. There are several things that rather bother me in this letter.

You state your concern about those who would stand by their convictions being threatened with depositions and lawsuits. I would also note that depositions and lawsuits have no substance if there has been no violation. Fear of same is probably not rational if there is no basis for same.

This paragraph, I am choosing to ignore. It makes my head hurt just looking at it. Methinks she isn't saying what she thinks she is saying. Otherwise, I have overestimated the Presiding Bishop.

"conform to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of the Episcopal Church."

Yes, yes, I know what it supposed to mean, but I keep reading this and thinking worship of the Episcopal Church. Isn't there something about in the Bible about worshiping false idols? You know somewhere in there. Maybe?

I'll reiterate that I know it means to worship God as defined by the Episcopal Church, but I wonder sometimes.

My prayers and support will continue to be with Bishop Iker and the other dioceses and their bishops.

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